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<span class="end_photo_org"> <em class="img_desc">Ƽ̹ũ</em></span><br>Ʈ ڽ ġ Ϸ 15 ҳ ó ǰ ִٰ մ AP ο 14 ߴ.<br><br> ҳ 7 簡 ڽ ¿ ī̷ ܰ Ȳ ġ Ϸ ӿ ⸦ Ѿ ߴٸ ڼߴ. <br><br>Ʈ ü ҳడ , ˸ Ϸ Ұϰ ٸ鼭 Ǻο ó 䱸ߴ.<br><br> Ǻΰ ̷ ߿ Ƿʸ ϴ Ʈ ȸ Ѹ ȭ ִٰ ߴ. <br><br> ҳడ ұ ¿ ƾ Ѵٸ , װ ο Ⱓ 30 ƴ. <br><br> ҳ ȣδ Ǻΰ ҳฦ ǰ ƴ϶ Ρ ڷ ٷ ٶٰ AP ߴ.<br><br> Ҹ ̴ Ϸ ۵ Ϲ κ ó ´. ̷ .<br><br>AP ̹ ῡ ϴ Ʈ dz䵵 Բ ƴٰ ߴ.<br><br> ҳడ ̸ ˻硯 ˷ ̴. ҳ ϴ ī̷ ùδü ǥ Ƽ縣 ̵ ˻ ǿ ̷ ϻ ̴١ ߴ. <br><br>AP Ʈ ˻ ȴٰ νĵȴ١ ߴ. <br><br> Ǹ ڷμ ǡ ó̳ ִٴ ̴. <br><br> ߵ ̳ ߴٰ 찡 ֱ ̴.<br><br>Ʈ ü â ϻ ˻ Ǵϴ ȴ١ Ʈ ȥ ִٰ ˸ Ҹϴٴ ڵ ٴ´١ ߴ. <br><br> ҳడ Ÿ ģ Ʈ ߴ١ ߴµ ̴ Ʈ Ҹϰ ۿ ɼ ũٰ AP ߴ.<br><br>AP Ʈ հ κ ҿ Ա ̶ å ٰ ߴ.<br><br>̵ ǥ ü ̽Ͽ ÷ Ϻ ȣ ڰ ƴ϶ ߴ١ ߴ.<br><br>¶δ sportskyunghyang@kyunghyang.com<br><br><br> [ α Ḹȭ ]<br> [ ִ ]<br><br>©( sports.khan.co.kr), |