2019-06-05 21:22:05, Hit : 245 |
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<span class="end_photo_org"> </span><br><br>Donald Trump, Theresa May, Melania Trump, and Philip May<br><br>President Donald Trump walks with British Prime Minister Theresa May, followed by first lady Melania Trump, and Philip May, to a news conference at the Foreign Office, Tuesday, June 4, 2019, in central London. (AP Photo/Alex Brandon)<br><br>̹ Ȩ [մ] ä ϱ<br><br> ϰ ? # ̴! <br>
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<span class="end_photo_org">  </span><br><br>Donald Trump, Theresa May<br><br>President Donald Trump walks with British Prime Minister Theresa May to a news conference at the Foreign Office, Tuesday, June 4, 2019, in central London. (AP Photo/Alex Brandon)<br><br> ̹ Ȩ [մ] ä ϱ<br><br> ϰ ? # ̴! <br> |