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<span class="end_photo_org"> <em class="img_desc">Ʈ ĸó</em></span><br>̽þ ü 巹 Կ ߴٰ Ÿ ¾Ҵ.<br><br>8 մ ü Ÿ ο ü ǥ ƹ̶(26) 3 ̽þ ȣ 鿡 巹 ̽Ͽ ÷ȴٰ ߴ.<br><br>̽þ Ÿ 巹 ɰ ų, . <br><br> Կ 簡 ִ.<br><br> ۵ ̷ ൿ ִġ, ƾ Ѿ١ .<br><br>̿ ü ǥ ƹ̶ 6 ̽Ͽ ÷ȴ.<br><br>״ Կ , ١ Ǽ ϰ Ѵ١ ȴ.<br><br> ̷ ũƼƮ, Կߴ١ ó ȫ Կ ƴϴ١ ߴ.<br><br> ƹ̶ ұϰ 縦 ް ִ.<br><br>ȣ 籹 ٸ ħ ΰ ƹ̶ ڵ ϰ ִ١ .<br><br>̽þ ŸƼ̵ ̰ ǰ Ǹ ְ 5 (1400) ݰ 1 ¡ ִ. <br><br>̽þ ̰ 62%, ߱ 22%, ε 7% ִ. ̽ ұ α ִ.<br><br>¶δ sportskyunghyang@kyunghyang.com<br><br><br> [ α Ḹȭ ]<br> [ ִ ]<br><br>©( sports.khan.co.kr), |