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<span class="end_photo_org"> </span><br>Ƶ ģ Ǹ 50 ӵƴ.<br><br>մ 12ϰ ϴ µ, ˰ŵ Բ ִ ΰ ¿ Ȯεƴ.<br><br> 30 Ƿ ü ӿ ߺߴٰ .<br><br> ̳ ̾ ڽɹ(ɻ) ʾ, ִ١ ӿ ߺߴ.<br><br> 15 3ò õ ǿ Ƶ ģ ް ִ.<br><br> õ Բ Ƿ ұ ߴ.<br><br> 27 νÿ ˰ŵ κδ ¿ ƴ. ˻翡 ʷ 缺 Դ. <br><br> ̵ ֻ ߰ мϰ, ټ ִ 縦 Ȯϰ ִ.<br><br> Ƶ ģ ڰ ̾ ǵ ǽɵȴٰ Կ κп ؼ ̴.<br><br> (ڸ) ֱ Դ١ ֱ Ƶ ̰ ִ ӳ ֻ縦 Ҵ١ ߴ. <br><br>̾ ϸ ̾߱⸦ , ǵ ١ ߴ. <br><br>ڴ ǿ ְڴٰ ߴµ, ڱ ֻ⸦ ־ ٷ 112 Űߴ١ ߴ. <br><br> 翡 ģ ̶ ũ ǽ ʰ ǿ .<br><br> Ű ߴٰ 12 üƴ.<br><br>¶δ sportskyunghyang@kyunghyang.com<br><br><br> [ α Ḹȭ ]<br> [ ִ ]<br><br>©( sports.khan.co.kr), |