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<strong class="media_end_summary">ó αå TF, մå ǥ<br> μƼ<br>̺θ ڸ, ˹ <br>ȫ 켱 ӱü ȭ ʿ䡱</strong><TABLE cellSpacing="5" cellPadding="0" width="500" align="CENTER" bgColor="ffffff" border="0"><TR><TD style="PADDING-RIGHT: 2px; PADDING-LEFT: 2px; PADDING-BOTTOM: 2px; PADDING-TOP: 2px;" bgColor="ffffff"><TABLE cellSpacing="5" cellPadding="0" bgColor="ffffff" border="0"><TR><TD><span class="end_photo_org"></span></TD></TR><TR><TD "PADDING-BOTTOM: 0px; PADDING-LEFT: 0px; PADDING-RIGHT: 0px; FONT-FAMILY: ,ü; COLOR: 595959; FONT-SIZE: 9pt; PADDING-TOP: 2px;"> õû 밭翡 23 2019 ġ յ ϱ̡ ڵ ä ް ִ. մ </TD></TR></TABLE></TD></TR></TABLE>[=̵ϸ ö ] ΰ ȭ 갡α ÿ ذϱ 60 ̻ ڸ μƼ긦 ִ Ѵ. ִ ϱ ٴ ܰ Ǹ ϱ ߴ. <br><br>27 ȹο αå ½ũ(TF) 60 ϴ ϴ μƼ긦 ϴ ȿ 1 ǥ ȹ̴.<br><br>αåTF α û 巡αƯ߰ ǥ 4 ߴ. 1 뵿, Ǻ, , , ڿ, бź, 䱳, , , ȸ (1) ѱ߿(KDI) 9 å ϰ ִ. <br><br><strong> 꿬α 50 丷 <br><br></strong>û 3 ǥ 巡αƯ߰: 20172067⡯ 꿬α(15~64) 2017 3757 2067 1784 ݼ ް ̴. 꿬α 2020뿡 33, 2030뿡 52 پ. <br><br>Ư α(65 ̻) 2017 707 2025 1000 Ѿ. 2067 1827 , 纸 2 Ѱ Ҿ. <br><br>ʰα(85 ̻) 2017 60 2024 100, 2067 512 2017 8.6質 þ. 85 ̻ α 2017 1.2% 2067 13.0% Ŀ. <br><br> ִ α(꿬α) 2017 73.2% 2065 °߱ⱸ(OECD) 45.9% ȴ. Ⱓ α 13.8% 46.1% 2065 OECD ְ ϰ ȴ.<br><br>ȫ Ѹ ȹ 23 ڰȸ 1955 1963 ̺θ η 80 ų 뵿 ´١ å ̺θӸ ڸ ߿ϴ١ ߴ. ̾ , α 米 ȭ ̽ ȸ ǰ ʿ ̶ ߴ. <br><br><strong> ڸ ȿ Ŀ<br><br></strong>δ ڸ Ը 61 10 Ȯߴ. ̿ Ծ 1б 65 ̻ ڴ 2176000 1 (1967000) 209000 þ. <br><br>ϴ ø鼭 ϴ پ Ÿ. û 1б ҵ 20%(1) 65 ̻ 52.2% 1 (54.9%) 2.7%Ʈ پ.<br><br>αåTF ڸ â ɵ ְ ̴. ϱ⺸ٴ μƼ긦 ܰ ϱ ߴ. 忡 û ä ־.<br><br>ȫ Ѹ ӱ ¸ δ ߵǰ ø ̶͡ ӱ ü ȭ 뵿 ȵ Բ ؾ Ѵ١ ߴ. <br><br> а ڸ 뵿 ӱüδ Ȱȭϱ ִ١ 꼺 ݿϴ ӱü ؾ ̶͡ ߴ.<br><br><TABLE cellSpacing="5" cellPadding="0" width="455" align="CENTER" bgColor="ffffff" border="0"><TR><TD style="PADDING-RIGHT: 2px; PADDING-LEFT: 2px; PADDING-BOTTOM: 2px; PADDING-TOP: 2px;" bgColor="ffffff"><TABLE cellSpacing="5" cellPadding="0" bgColor="ffffff" border="0"><TR><TD><span class="end_photo_org"></span></TD></TR><TR><TD "PADDING-BOTTOM: 0px; PADDING-LEFT: 0px; PADDING-RIGHT: 0px; FONT-FAMILY: ,ü; COLOR: 595959; FONT-SIZE: 9pt; PADDING-TOP: 2px;">[̵ϸ ]</TD></TR></TABLE></TD></TR></TABLE><br><br>ö (cheol@edaily.co.kr)<br><br>̹ Ȩ ̵ϸ [ϱ⢺]<br>밡 [⢺] , ûᴵ콺~ [ŸӢ]<br><br><br> ̵ ̵ϸ - &
ƴϿ. ص-װ ӵ Ѹ ŷڵ ϶ ּ ̴. ʰ Ĵٺ
ִ Ͱ ߳ ּ װھ. ⸦ ª Ų ƴ.
Ҹ ٴ ä ưð бۿ ϰ
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̰ ƴϸ 屸 ϴ ij ܴ ּܺ Ͻô 翬ѵ
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̸ ͺ Ű ּ ŭ ȾѴٰ. ٸ Ļ.?
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