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ְ λְ Ȳ ʴ ֵ

. Ѽ ̹ װ ó Ǿ ڻ̾.

˾Ҵٴ ܹ ã ª . λߴ. ä . İ̾

ƿ. 󴺽  ϸ ȣ 巹̽

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õ渶 и ̺ ׷ ڼä ڴٴ°ž?

ϴ . ʾҴ. ڶ t渶 Ŀ ĵ ־. ƴ

̾. Ŷ Ͻñ⿡ ؾ ˺渶Ʈ ȣ . ϰ Űܺپ.

̾. ? ׸ ̼ ٵ Ҹ ó ð ׸ ־.

Ƶ ø Բ .

        <span class="end_photo_org"></span><br>[]<br> ñ⸦ ޾ οϰ ȴ.<br><br>1948, δ 幵ϰ ¿ ִ.<br>1960, ȿ ұ ų ϰ ȴ.<br>1972, ̼ ް Ǹ.<br>1984, θ ڽİ Ͼ ִ. <br><br>[Ҷ]<br> Ȱ ȭ ġ ȴ.<br><br>1949, Ȥ ñ. ϵ ϶.<br>1961, ҽ ϰ ȴ.<br>1973, ִ ٽ ġ ȴ.<br>1985, ģ . . <br><br>[]<br> Ȱ ̴.<br><br>1950, ڽ ڵƺ ʿ Ϸ.<br>1962, ռ Ϳ ϰ Ͽ ð .<br>1974, ִ 쿬ϰ Ǿ .<br>1986, ġų ϶.<br><br>[䳢]<br> ӹ޴ ã ȴ.<br><br>1951, ̷ ñ̴.<br>1963, 鸮 ߽ ƶ.<br>1975, Ǽ ϶.<br>1987, ̷ .<br><br>[]<br>Ż źϰ ȭ ģ.<br><br>1952, ߱ Ѵ.<br>1964, ܼ Ǵ .<br>1976, dz 밡 ܼ Ȱ .<br>1988, Ͽ ǿ ö Ǵ 䱸ȴ.<br><br>[]<br> ¸ ϱ ñ̴.<br><br>1953, ̷ Ϸ̴.<br>1965, 幵ϰ ¿ ִ.<br>1977, Ͱ϶.<br>1989, ģ оƶ. Ѱ .<br><br>[]<br>ο . θ и .<br><br>1954, ϴ ñ̹Ƿ Ż ϶.<br>1966, 鸰. ߽ ƶ.<br>1978, ٰϿ ࿡ ҿ ̿ Ǯ.<br>1990, ȹϰ غ϶.<br><br>[]<br> ¿ ϶. ɵϴٰ ϴ.<br><br>1955, ݾ Ÿ.<br>1967, κλ̰ .<br>1979, ڽ п ϶.<br>1991, ǰ ̲ ã ̴. <br><br>[̶]<br>ұ Ⱑ 帣 ñ̹Ƿ ڼ ߾.<br><br>1956, ֹ .<br>1968, ã .<br>1980, ֱ ȭ ڰ ϴ.<br>1992, о߿ ȴ.<br><br>[߶]<br> θ ҵ Ǵ Ϸ̴.<br><br>1957, ϶.<br>1969, Ÿ ൵ . .<br>1981, Ϸ縦 ϶.<br>1993, ۰ ̴.<br><br>[]<br> տ ڽ Ǵ Ϸ.<br><br>1958, ʿ ٿ. ȸϰ ȴ.<br>1970, ƹ ٺ ϴ 鿩.<br>1982, Ӹ Ű ڴ.<br>1994, 󼭴 γ ȸϿ ϰ ൿϴ . <br><br>[]<br> ñ⸦ . ſ϶.<br><br>1959, ſ Ӱ ϶.<br>1971, . ʾ ȸ ãƿ ̴.<br>1983, ⺹ Ϸ. ϶.<br>1995, .<br><br>=帲<br><br> ѹα 24ð ä YTN ۺ <br> ̹ YTN ä ϱ <br> 1,234,567 ϸ YTN 100 شٰ? <br><br><br>[۱(c) YTN & YTN PLUS ]

  Ϻ     ۾  

No Title Name Date Hit
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