2019-06-21 15:03:38, Hit : 308 |
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<span class="end_photo_org"> </span><br><br>Protesters seek to call Bachelet's attention in Venezuela<br><br>Former workers of Exxon Mobil, with many of them on hunger strike, hold a sign that read 'Bachelet SOS' during rally to demand the payment of their dismissal compensations at the surroundings of Venezuela's Foreign Ministry, in Caracas, Venezuela, 20 June 2019, on the occasion of the visit of United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights and Chile's former president Michelle Bachelet in the country. EPA/Rayner Pena<br><br>̹ Ȩ [մ] ä ϱ<br><br> ϰ ? # ̴! <br>
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[930MBC] ־μ̴ ٽ ì ž߰ڽϴ.<br><br> ĺʹ ߺο ڴµ.<br><br>Ǵ ְ 50, ǰ û, 5 20mm Դϴ.<br><br> dz ְڰ.<br><br>ð 20mm ߵǴ ְڽϴ.<br><br>Ư ο , δ ɼ ִµ.<br><br> ũ ־ ۹ ּž߰ڽϴ.<br><br>ָ ҽ ־ ȹ ּž߰ڽϴ.<br><br>Ͽ û ڰ.<br><br>ϿϿ ҳⰡ ڽϴ.<br><br> ü ϰڽϴٸ λ δ ̸鼭 ̼ ˴ϴ.<br><br> ְ 26, 뱸 32 ϰڽϴ.<br><br>ϴ.<br><br>ϸ ij <br><br>[۱(c) MBC ( http://imnews.imbc.com) ܺ- ]<br><br><br> ̹ Ȩ [MBC] ä ϱ<br><br> [] յ λ硯.. ϰ ᱹ ١<br><br> [14F] ģ 10, <br><br>Copyright(c) Since 1996, MBC& iMBC All rights reserved. |