SULZEE - Lee Young Hwan


  2019-03-01 14:22:52, Hit : 660
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Źؾ ߴ. ƴ ̾. ƴ϶ õ ٰ.׸ ó ü Ļϼ̾?

ô븦 Ȧ ÿ ִ

ؾó Ǿ ȭ Ҹ? ž? ٳݸƮ ȭ µ ؼ

. ϴ . lotus Ȧ¦ . ;ϴ ô ߴ.

Ա⿡ īĿ ٿε ̻ϰ ϴٴ Ǿȴ. پϴ. ڰ

Ƿմϴ. 翬 °̺ õ ° ϴ տ о

׷. ڽ ̺ ִ 볭 Ÿ ִ

Ѵٴ ħ 𸣴 տ м Ʈ ٲ ԰ ߴ. ߴ. λ縦

޶ οٵ ׳ ߴ.

ѵ Ǿ. ؽĿ ʾƼ . ٴϴ

        <span class="end_photo_org"></span><br><br>Z 10ֳ s10 ǸŰ â , 𵨷 з óƮ9, Ʈ8, S8, S9 ø Ϸ Ʈ 򸮸鼭 ¶ Ʈ Ǹ Ʈ ̴.<br><br>뿡 õ ݳ⵵ óƮ9 Ʈ8, S8, S9 ߴ.<br><br>¶ Ʈ Ư ī ֵ ȸ ̿ S8, S9 ÷, Ʈ8, Ʈ9 4塯 ̶ Īϸ Ʈ ȣϴ ȸ鳢 ϸ鼭 ǰ Ͼ.<br><br>ֵ ڴ S8, S9 ÷ 10 ԰ ̷ ū α⸦ Ż翡 Ϻ ̹ ǰǾ ǸŰ ߴ ̴. ԰ ̷ ī ȸ ü , ˸ ̴. ߴ.<br><br>ֵ ̹ ȸ 27 Ȱϴ ī. ֵ ֵ, Ʈ ϴ ̺Ʈ, Ư ̺Ʈ, ̽ ÷(second device collection) پ ̺Ʈ ϸ鼭 α, Ʈ, иü, SNS پ ü Ʈ.<br><br>ֵ KAIT ѱ ȸ , 湮 3,600 ޼ ޴ ΰԻ¹ , ڵ ΰԻ Ű ϰ ִ.<br><br> ۿ ֵ S10 ̺Ʈ S10 , 12 , ܸ ݾ , ù, 10ġ ºPC, , ̾ پ ɾ ȭ DZ⵵ ߴ.<br><br>ڼ ̹ ī ֵ Ȯ ִ.<br><br><br><br><strong> ̹ Ȩ [ѱTV] ä ϱ [ۺ]<br> ѹα ũ <i>!</i> - [ / ֽĻ / ε]</strong>


  Ϻ     ۾  

No Title Name Date Hit
101889   "5 ǥ ȸ ü ŵ û"...Ȳ ܵȸ 䱸 ǻ ź   Ĵٻ 2019/05/13 671
101888   , , ۿ, ׸ ġ׿ ǰ ı   ȫž 2023/07/10 670
101887  ^^ # 弥 帶^..Ȩ..   â 2021/02/06 670
101886   67, غ Ϸ þ   2019/06/03 670
101885  ^. #*弥 . 帶..^Ȩ**   2020/07/16 669
101884   ǰ   IJ 2018/09/30 668
101883  ܹٳ ּ ܹٳ ּҫ ܹٳ ּҫ   2021/05/05 667
101882  연우 ㅗㅜㅑ   둥이아배 2020/05/09 667
101881  ħ ū ϱ [ ]   Ĵٻ 2019/10/18 667
101880   ۷ ۿ   IJ 2018/09/30 665
101879   ּ ͫ Ű ּҫ   ± 2021/06/06 664
101878  [] ﱳ ҹû '̳ʽ 1876'   â 2021/03/19 664
101877   # 弥 ^^帶 ^Ȩ..   2021/02/25 663
101876  ϵûŵ ѿ " Ϸ"   2019/08/14 663
101875  Ѱӹٵ̸Ӵϸ ١̡߱ ȭ   ̿ 2018/10/10 663

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