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[ѱTV ̿º ]<br><br> <span class="end_photo_org"> ![](https://imgnews.pstatic.net/image/215/2019/05/14/A201905140003_1_20190514000210770.png?type=w647) </span><br>[ 1] ̿Ÿ ֱ 1 (: ȣȭ ŷ ο)<br> <br><br>05 14 00 00 ȣȭ ŷ ο ̿Ÿ 20 (5.73%) 369 ŷǰ ִ.<br><br> 343, ְ 370̾. 1 ŷ 5,853,203 IOTA̸, ŷ 1,088,600,568̾.<br> ŷ ŷ ϰ ִ. <br><br>ֱ 1 378̾, 97.62% ̴.<br>, ֱ 1 293̾, 125.94% ̴.<br><br> <span class="end_photo_org"><span class="end_photo_org"> <em class="img_desc">̿º -ѱTV</em></span></span><br> ѱTV <u>' ڰ'</u><br>ü '̿º ' ǽð ۼ Դϴ.<br>̿º <br><br><strong> ̹ Ȩ [ѱTV] ä ϱ [ۺ]<br> ѹα ũ <i>!</i> - [ / ֽĻ / ε]</strong> ѱTV, |