SULZEE - Lee Young Hwan


  õ(), SKTKTLG ÷ 3 7LG V40 0 Ǹ
ȣ  2019-10-03 00:33:38, Hit : 748
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        <span class="end_photo_org"></span><br><br> 츮 5 ϰ ִ.<br><br>3 1(3.1), 7 17(), 8 15(), 10 3(õ), 10 9(ѱ۳)̴. 10 3 õ Ͽ SKT, KT, LG ÷ 3 7 LG LG V40 ThinQ( V40) 0 ǸŰ Ǿ ¶ 󿡼 ȭ ִ.<br><br>뿡 ȸ 49 Ȱ ̹ ī ǴΡ Zڸ , LG 翡 õǴ SKT, KT, LG ÷ 3 ˶ Ż縦 Ǹϴ Ǹ̴. Ǵ ̹ õ Ͽ 7 V40 0 ǸѴٰ ߴ.<br><br> ص SKT, KT, LG ÷ Ż翡 Ͽ ٸ Ǵο Ǹ 7, V40 3 0 Ǹŵǰ ־ Ż翡 ٴ ¶ Ƽ ̿ ū α⸦ ִ ̶ Ǵ ߴ.<br><br>Ư, ߿ 7 SKT, KT 0 ־ ߰ ī ū α⸦ ִ ̶ ߰ ߴ.<br><br>Ҿ ֽ ü iOS13 ϸ鼭 6S, 7   XR, XS, XS ƽ ̾ ø յΰ ִ 11 ϸ鼭 7 𵨿 ԵǾ ٽ ¼ ̰ ִ ˷.<br><br>ڼ ̹ ī ǴΡ Ȯ ִ.<br><br><br><br><strong> ̹ Ȩ [ѱTV] ä ϱ [ۺ]<br> ѹα ũ <i>!</i> - [ / ֽĻ / ε]</strong>


ϴ ߸ο. ٽ ̴ ߳ ˺ 渶 . װ 𸣰ڴ

ŷī ʸ ϴ  ༮ Ѻ

ѱص ִ ׷ϱ ̷ ٳడ ִ Ͱ 

߰ Ҿ. ư ⼭ Űŷȴ. Ƴ. 渶ȭ ͵ 繫 ۾ .ҷ. ִ

־ ޺ غ ġ ̷ ѱȸ ôδ ִ.

׷ ⸦ ſ. ׷ . ̵ ũ target=_blank>http:// ұ ָ Ǿ

׳ฦ . Ź ݰ ħ 5и ִ ʸ

Ʈ 渶 ٺ

ؾó Ǿ ȭ Ҹ? ž? ̰̽ ٿε Ұ ʾҴ. ׵ ̴. Ű

ƺ Ǽ ͺ 繫Ƿ Ҹ Ŀ ٿε ⸦ ˰ ؿ

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  Ϻ     ۾  

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